Out-of-control Corvette, destroys decorative acorn light fixture

In the world of street lighting, it just doesn’t get much worse than this. An out-of-control corvette, racing through downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma, has destroyed this decorative acorn light fixture and pole.

So why am I writing about this unfortunate accident?

Because this fixture was converted over 10 years ago with a Crossroads LED “ICON Series” conversion luminaire. And while the impact demolished the pole and shattered the metallic fixture, the “ICON Series” conversion luminaire not only survived the crash, it was still illuminating the area around the downed pole!

10 years of energy saving, maintenance free operation and surviving a high-speed crash. Very few LED products can make that kind of case study statement.

When a lighting project requires performance and reliability, the only choice is Crossroads LED.

Contact us and see how our team can solve your lighting issues today.

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